How do I explain my passion for team building, leadership and coaching?  How would I explain my “why“? 

Let’s call it the Art of Setting Others Up For Success!

It begins with my parents and their open door, one childhood one chance approach to raising their children and any other child in the neighborhood. Ken Sr. and Paulette showing up for Saturday Family Swim at the Ottawa Boys and Girls Club and temporarily adopting all of our friends so they could get join us rather than go home early just to wait for their parents to return from a full work day.  They took the time to set others up for success. 

My “why” is directly connected to those who influenced me. Those who inspired me to become a professional athlete, broadcaster, community builder and entrepreneur.

It leads to the Ottawa 67’s and Ottawa Rough Riders players spending time with the gym rats with little skill and big dreams at the Club. Inspiring the kids to be great. To pursue their dreams.  Influencers like Tom Sparling, Clarke Pulford and Tom Arnott. All football coaches who wanted their players to be more than football players.  They also set others up for success. 

My “why” is intuitive. It is grounded in the act of connecting, communicating and collaborating with others. My life storybook is full, replete with examples of my connecting with others. Initially believing I was honored with opportunity to change their lives and soon realizing that they had dramatically changed mine. 

At the end of the day, I draw great pride in helping others find their right time and place. Be it as a guest at a kids T-Ball banquet,  perhaps as a keynote speaker, as a performance consultant for elite athletes and teams, as a host of a leadership huddle or a coaching conference. 

The journey that is the Art of Setting Others Up for Success is a circuitous one and I would not want it any other way!

I hope to spend time with you and your team along the way!


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